-> CISIS conference

Previous Keynotes

ARES 2010 Keynote Speaker

Information security - where computer science, economics and psychology meet
Prof. Ross Anderson, Cambridge University (Video Part 1, Video Part 2, Video Part 3, Video Part 4, Video Part 5)

Thinking outside the box
Prof. Gene Spafford, Purdue University (Video Part 1, Video Part 2, Video Part 3, Video Part 4)

CISIS 2010 Keynote Speaker

Using Next Generation Grid Technologies for Advancing Virtual Organizations
Prof. Nik Bessis, University of Bedfordshire, UK (Video Part 1, Video Part 2, Video Part 3)

Scheduling in Grid Systems
Prof. Helen D. Karatza, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (Video Part1, Video Part 2, Video Part 3, Video Part 4)

ARES 2009 Keynote Speaker

Digital Identity Protection - Concepts and Issues
Prof. Elisa Bertino, Purdue University
Topoligical Analysis of Network Attack Vulnerability
Prof. Sushil Jajodia, George Mason University
Pairing based cryptography - theory, implementations and applications
Prof. Eiji Okamoto, Tsukuba University

ARES 2009 Invited Talk

Integrative security approach as a key success factor of dependability
Prof. Solange Ghernaouti-Héli, University of Lausanne

ARES 2008 Keynote Speaker

Security and Privacy Challenges in Location Based Service Environments
Prof. Vijay Atluri, Management Science and Information Systems Department, Research Director of the Center for Information Management, Integration and Connectivity (CIMIC), Rutgers University
Infrastructure Support for Authorization, Access Control and Privilege Management
Prof. Günther Pernul, Department of Information Systems, University of Regensburg
ASCAA Principles for Next-Generation Role-Based Access Control
Prof. Ravi Sandhu, Executive Director, Chief Scientist and Founder, Institute for Cyber-Security Research (ICSR) and Lutcher Brown Endowed Chair in Cyber-Security

ARES 2007 Keynote Speaker

Security principles for the Austrian eGovernment
Prof. Reinhard Posch, Chief Information Officer for the Federal Republic of Austria
Data Mining, Security and Privacy: Developments and Directions
Prof. Bhavani Thuraisingham, Director of Cyber Security Research Center, University of Texas at Dallas (UTD)

ARES 2006 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Louis Marinos, ENISA Security Competence Department, Risk Management, Greece
Prof. Andrew Steane, Centre for Quantium Computation, University of Oxford, UK
Prof. David Basin, Information Security, Department of Computer Science, ETH Zurich, Switzerland